A Tribute to Esmail Khoi 

Esmail Khoi has died 
The poet of the revolution 
Who found that they had lied 
Became poet of the opposition 
Translator of the sublime 
Greatest of the poets of Tehran 
Regarded by the Imams as a crime 
Reality – The old traditions of Iran 
My friend now rest in peace 
Your time is done 
And may paradise receive you in her embrace 
As befits the greatest poet of your race. 
Hugh Montgomery 2021 
In the early 1980s, as a leading member of the intellectual opposition to clerical rule, he spent close to two years in hiding before fleeing his homeland. Over the last decade or so, he has emerged as a most articulate chronicler of life in exile, and a fierce defender of political freedoms and human rights the world over. 
Khoi’s poetry bears eloquent testimony to his experience and thought, and to his lifelong quest for a more humane world. He has published over thirty books in Farsi with selections in English translation including: ‘Edges of Poetry’ and ‘Outlandia: Songs of Exile’. https://www.exiledwriters.co.uk/portfolio-items/esmail-khoi/ 
Esmail Khoi 
30 June 1938 – 25 May 2021 
Tagged as: News, Obituaries
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