Obituary - Pierre Michel Goossens ( Friar Pedro)
Pierre Michel Goossens ( Friar Pedro) born in 1936 in Burcht, Belgium.
At a young age he joined the friar congregation of ONZE-LIEVE-VROUW VAN LOURDES (Our dear Lady of Lourdes) and was missioned to Brazil where he was active for more that 54 years and worked in remote places.
Friar Pedro was the founder of KLIM-OP-BRAZILIË (Climb-up Brazil), a trust fund to enable young people to study at the university and reach a better life to the benefit of their family.
The 3rd de Montgomery company of Belgium of The Order of the Fleur de Lys organized charity concerts to support the KLIM-OP-BRAZILIË trust fund.
Regretfully friar Pedro passed away on June the 26th 2021 in Betim, Minas Gerais, Brasil. He reached the age of 85. He was a good man and will be remembered as a person who dedicated his entire life to help the less fortunate.
Friar Pedro next to Ronny Van Gremberghe, KGL, KStJA speaking at the concert in the church of Zwijndrecht organized by the 3rd de Montgomery Company for the support of KLIM-OP-BRAZILIË
Friar Pedro with some students supported by KLIM-OP-BRAZILIË
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